We want YOU on our website!
Join Takeover Week for your chance to take charge & get famous! Get featured on our Website, Instagram and entered to WIN £75 for Best Photo of the Week.We're excited to offer you the chance to be famous! Use one of our hashtags, we'll display your photos of you rocking your 3RD ROCK gear on our website!
For one week only, we are letting you take over our Instagram for Takeover Week. Seven days, seven posts, starting August 14, 2017, we'll post our favourite customer pictures!

How to participate:
It's easy, TAG US with:#3rdrocking
#3rdrocktakeover and/or
to show us your best photos of your 3RD ROCK kit and your chance to be one of seven featured on our Instagram for Takeover Week. If your photo is picked for one of our seven takeover days, you are automatically entered to WIN £75 based on the most likes. So get your friends involved, tell all your family and tag everyone you know in the comments and you might just be lucky enough to win!
When is it?
You have all the way until the Saturday before Takeover Week starts to tag your photos to be featured. Our team will be waiting for those last entries (but we do need to sleep, so best get them in before it's too late or we might not see it in time!)Take Over Week is AUGUST 14 - AUGUST 20, winner announced AUGUST 22.
BEST PHOTO is awarded by the MOST LIKES and wins £75 to get anything you like in our online shop. Don't forget to tag your friends in the comments of your photo to get everyone involved!
#DontPalmMeOff - if your items are part of our Earth Collection campaign. Read about the campaign to save Orangutans here.
The fine print: By using our hashtags as part of our Takeover Week photo competition you are consenting to our reposting of your image on our social media account and website.
Jul 28, 2017