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Organic cotton vs Conventional Cotton

Organic cotton vs Conventional cotton

Read our article to learn the benefits of organic cotton

The Environmental and Health Impact of Cotton Production

Right people, it’s time to get serious. Let’s talk about organic cotton. We’ve all seen it on labels but what does it actually mean? What’s the difference?


For those of us who love the great outdoors, choosing the right fabric isn't just about comfort and style—it's about making a positive impact on the planet. Organic cotton stands as a beacon of conscious choices in the textile world, offering significant benefits over its conventional counterpart. Let's dive into why this choice matters to you as a conscious shopper.

The Case for Non-toxic Dyes and Finishes

Conventional cotton often comes with a heavy environmental and health cost due to the use of toxic dyes and chemical finishes. These substances can leach and release harmful toxins into local ecosystems, contaminating waterways, soil, and the air.


In contrast, organic cotton is processed with non-toxic dyes and finishes, reducing the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Some individuals with sensitive skin or skin conditions have been known to choose organic cotton over conventional as it may cause less irritation. Research is still ongoing in this area.

Traditional cotton needs 2210 litres of water to produce, whereas organic cotton only needs 182 litres.

Water Conservation and Organic Farming

Water scarcity is a growing concern worldwide, and the textile industry is a significant water user. However, organic cotton farming presents a more sustainable alternative. Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a lower impact on the environment, including practices that conserve water.


By improving soil health and reducing reliance on synthetic water-intensive inputs, organic cotton fields can maintain moisture levels more efficiently, leading to less water usage. As outdoor enthusiasts who cherish natural resources, opting for clothing made from organic cotton aligns with the principles of preserving the very ecosystems we love to explore.


As with normal farming, organic farming also needs to use some form of pesticides to protect the crop - most of which are plant based alternatives to harsh chemicals. Natural pesticides and fertilisers are used instead of chemical ones. Chilli, garlic & cows urine are mixed and sprayed onto the crops to deter insects. Using these kind of alternatives allows organic farming to further avoid using harsh chemicals.

Conventional cotton alone is responsible for 16% of all insecticides sold worldwide.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint

The fashion industry is a considerable contributor to global carbon emissions, but organic cotton offers a breath of fresh air. Its production process tends to have a lower carbon footprint due to the absence of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, which require a significant amount of energy to produce. By embracing organic farming practices, such as crop rotation and the use of natural pest control, we can significantly reduce the energy input needed to grow cotton, thereby lowering its overall carbon emissions. This makes organic cotton not just a personal choice but a collective step towards combating climate change.

In 2023, 3RD ROCK saved approx 58% co2 emissions by using organic cotton over conventional cotton.

Organic vs. Conventional Cotton: A Checklist

For the sustainably minded shopper, especially those who love exploring the outdoors, choosing between organic and conventional cotton requires a thoughtful approach. Here's a checklist to guide your decision-making process:


  • Evaluate Environmental Impact: Consider the water usage, carbon footprint, and chemical use involved in the production of the cotton.
  • Assess Health Benefits: If skin sensitivity and reducing chemical exposure are priorities, lean towards organic cotton.
  • Think Long-Term: Although organic cotton might come with a higher price tag, its environmental and health benefits offer long-term value without compromising on the longevity or durability of the fabric.
  • Check Certifications: Look for certifications like Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) to ensure the organic status and sustainable practices of the cotton you choose.
  • Support Sustainability: By choosing organic cotton, you're not just buying a piece of clothing; you're supporting a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.


As we navigate the choices in our activewear, the decision to opt for organic cotton isn't merely a personal preference but a reflection of our commitment to the health of our planet and ourselves. In the next section, we'll explore the economic aspects of this choice, shedding light on the true cost of sustainable production and whether it's justified.

The Economics of Ethical Fashion

Diving deeper into the fabric of sustainable fashion reveals that the price tag attached to organic cotton activewear isn't just about the cost of the material or the manufacturing process. It's a reflection of a broader commitment to ethical practices, fair wages, and environmental stewardship. Understanding the economic rationale behind the price premium of organic cotton can help us appreciate its true value and make informed decisions that align with our values as sustainably conscious consumers.

The True Cost of Sustainable Production

At the heart of the matter is the principle of "true cost accounting," a concept that seeks to factor in the environmental and social costs of production that are often overlooked in conventional pricing models. Organic cotton, grown without harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilisers, requires more labour-intensive practices, such as hand weeding and the use of natural pest control methods. These practices not only ensure the health of the soil and the ecosystems surrounding cotton farms but also promote safer working conditions for farmers and agricultural workers.


Moreover, sustainable production involves fair labour practices, including paying workers a living wage and ensuring safe working conditions. These ethical considerations contribute to the higher cost of organic cotton products but also ensure that each purchase supports a system that values human life and environmental health.

This image shows a pie chart depicting the cost of the 3RD ROCK Alex fleece.

A cost breakdown of our Alex fleece. You can see more info in our True cost of sustainable fashion blog.

Is the Price Premium Justified?

The price premium of organic cotton garments often raises questions about its justification. Yet, when we consider the hidden social costs of conventional cotton production—such as soil degradation, water pollution, and health issues among agricultural workers—the higher price of organic cotton becomes a testament to its sustainability. By investing in organic cotton, consumers are not only purchasing a product but also contributing to a model of fashion that prioritises long-term environmental sustainability and social equity.


In the journey towards sustainable fashion, the following focal points have moved to the forefront of the conscious shopper’s mind:


  • Water Savings: Organic cotton farming uses considerably less water than conventional cotton farming, a critical consideration in water-scarce regions.
  • Soil Health: Organic practices increase soil fertility and biodiversity, ensuring productive farmland for future generations it also allows the land t be used to grow crops to feed the farmers, their families and villages due to it's health
  • Reduced Health Risks: Farmers working on organic cotton farms face lower health risks due to the absence of toxic chemicals, contributing to healthier rural communities.
  • Consider the Long-Term Impact: Reflect on the environmental and social benefits that your purchase supports.
  • Research Brands: Look for companies that are transparent about their sourcing and production practices.
  • Quality over Quantity: Choose high-quality items that last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and ultimately saving money. Read more about this in our slow fashion blog.
  • Advocate for Change: Use your purchasing power to support the growth of sustainable fashion and encourage more brands to adopt ethical practices.


As we peel back the layers of the fashion industry, the economic aspects of organic cotton reveal a narrative of resilience, responsibility, and respect for our planet. The decision to invest in organic cotton activewear is a powerful statement in support of a sustainable future, reflecting a commitment to not just personal health and well-being but also to the health of our global community and the environment we all share.

Innovations in Organic Cotton Fabric Technology: Elevating Performance Activewear

The evolution of organic cotton is a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of those committed to sustainable fashion. Recent advancements in fabric technology have significantly enhanced the performance, durability, and comfort of organic cotton activewear, making it an increasingly popular choice for those taking on the outdoors.


These innovations are bridging the gap between eco-consciousness and the demand for high-performance gear, proving that sustainability does not have to come at the expense of functionality.

Jerome putting our Organic Cotton Margo Trousers through their paces in Spain.

Breakthroughs in Durability and Comfort

One of the pivotal advancements in organic cotton technology has been the development of fabrics that offer superior durability and comfort. Through the integration of organic cotton with natural and recycled fibres, researchers have created blends that withstand the challenges of outdoor activities while maintaining the softness and breathability that organic cotton is known for.


This means that climbers, hikers, and trail runners can now enjoy activewear that not only supports their performance but also aligns with their environmental values. For example our ecomorph denim - a blend of organic cotton, recycled polyester and recycled elastane

Enhancing Moisture-Wicking and Quick-Drying Capabilities

The introduction of advanced weaving techniques and natural treatments has significantly improved the moisture-wicking and quick-drying capabilities of organic cotton in activewear. These enhancements have been huge for outdoor sports and activities, where managing sweat and staying cool impacts comfort and performance.


By addressing one of the traditional limitations of cotton, these innovations ensure that sustainable activewear can now compete with synthetic alternatives in keeping adventurers dry and comfortable in a variety of conditions.

Eco-friendly Dyes and Finishes for Activewear

The push towards sustainability has also led to the development of non-toxic, eco-friendly dyes and finishes that enhance the functionality of organic cotton without compromising environmental standards.


These innovations include water-based dyes, plant-based treatments for water repellency, and natural antimicrobial finishes to prevent odour. Such advancements not only contribute to the sustainability of the fabric but also cater to the health-conscious consumer, ensuring that the activewear is safe for both the wearer and the planet.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Organic Cotton Activewear

As technology continues to evolve, the future of organic cotton activewear looks promising, with ongoing research aimed at further enhancing its performance and sustainability. The commitment of brands and manufacturers to these innovations reflects a growing consumer demand for products that do not compromise on quality, ethics, or environmental impact.


By embracing the latest advancements in organic cotton fabric technology, we can support the growth of sustainable fashion while enjoying activewear that meets our needs for comfort & performance, whilst also catering to our environmental concerns. As we move forward, the fusion of innovation and sustainability will undoubtedly continue to shape the landscape of activewear, offering exciting possibilities for the eco-conscious outdoor community.

According to a report from textile exchange, in 2021 there was a 40% increase OCS certified facilities and a 34% increase in GOTS facilities

The Journey Towards Sustainability: Embracing Transparency and Traceability in Organic Cotton

In the realm of sustainable fashion, transparency and traceability are more than just buzzwords—they are essential pillars that support the integrity and authenticity of eco-friendly brands. That said this hasn’t always been the way 😢.


As we delve deeper into the world of organic cotton, it becomes clear that understanding the journey from farm to fabric is not just beneficial but necessary for consumers who are committed to making ethical choices.

The future of greater transparency

The call for transparency in the fashion industry has led to a significant shift in how brands approach the storytelling of their products. Today, pioneering companies in the sustainable activewear space (like yours truly) are going beyond the label, offering consumers a clear view of their manufacturing processes, supply chain partnerships, and the environmental impact of their products.


This openness not only builds trust but also empowers consumers with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

The Consumer's Role in Supporting Transparency and Traceability

As consumers, our purchasing decisions have the power to influence industry standards and encourage more brands to adopt transparent and traceable practices. Here’s how you can contribute:


  • Demand Transparency: Look for brands that provide detailed information about their production processes and supply chain. Your interest and queries about a brand’s sustainability efforts can motivate them to adopt more transparent practices.
  • Support Certified fabrics & fibres: Choose activewear made from certified organic cotton, such as those bearing the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) label, which ensures both environmental and social criteria are met.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the importance of transparency and traceability in sustainable fashion, and share this knowledge within your community to raise awareness and foster a culture of accountability.
  • Engage with Brands: Use social media and other platforms to ask questions, praise transparent practices, and challenge brands to improve their sustainability efforts.

Building a Sustainable Future Together

The journey towards a more sustainable fashion industry is a collective endeavour that requires the commitment of brands, consumers, and the entire supply chain. By prioritising transparency and traceability, we can ensure that our choices contribute to a positive impact on the environment, society, and the economy. As we continue to support and demand accountability from activewear brands, we pave the way for a future where sustainable practices are not just an option but the norm.


In the final part of our series, we will explore how organic cotton fits within the larger ecosystem of sustainable fabrics and how it compares with other eco-friendly options available to the conscientious consumer. This comparison will further highlight the unique advantages of organic cotton in the quest for sustainable and ethical fashion, reinforcing its role as a key player in the outdoor activewear market.

Organic Cotton and the Sustainable Fabric Ecosystem: A Comparative View

As we reach the culmination of our exploration into the world of sustainable fashion, it's crucial to place organic cotton within the broader context of eco-friendly materials. This broader view not only illuminates the unique position of organic cotton in the sustainable fabric ecosystem but also encourages us, as consumers, to make informed choices that align with our environmental values and lifestyle needs.


Additionally, the integration of modern technologies like eSIMs into our travel and outdoor adventures highlights the seamless convergence of sustainability, connectivity, and convenience.

Organic Cotton vs. Other Sustainable Fibres

As we reach the culmination of our exploration into the world of sustainable fashion, it's crucial to place organic cotton within the broader context of eco-friendly materials. This broader view not only illuminates the unique position of organic cotton in the sustainable fabric ecosystem but also encourages us, as consumers, to make informed choices that align with our environmental values and lifestyle needs.


Additionally, the integration of modern technologies like eSIMs into our travel and outdoor adventures highlights the seamless convergence of sustainability, connectivity, and convenience.

Conclusion: Weaving Sustainability into Every Thread of Our Lives

The journey through the world of organic cotton and sustainable fashion doesn't end here. It's a continuous path of learning, choosing, and advocating for practices that respect our planet. As we integrate sustainable materials like organic cotton into our wardrobes and embrace innovative technologies like eSIMs in our travels, we contribute to a more sustainable future in every aspect of our lives. Let us continue to make conscious choices, from the clothes we wear to the way we connect with the world, embodying the principles of sustainability in every adventure we embark on.


As sustainably conscious shoppers and outdoor enthusiasts, our choices have the power to drive change. By supporting organic cotton and other sustainable fibres, demanding transparency and traceability, and adopting modern technologies that reduce our environmental impact, we pave the way for a greener, more connected world. Let's commit to being stewards of the earth, weaving sustainability into every thread of our journey, and inspiring others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference—one choice, one garment, one adventure at a time.

Our organic cotton favourites

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