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Is it worth starting Yoga at home?

Yoga at home: Is it worth starting?

If you’re just starting to get into Yoga, you may wonder if home-Yoga is really worth it, and you wouldn’t be alone in thinking that!

With the increasing popularity of home workouts, Yoga has become a favourite for many due to its accessibility and numerous benefits.


Even though you don’t have the communal calming atmosphere of a class, Yoga at home still provides benefits.

A photo of a woman named Kyuri in a scorpion Yoga pose. Taken inside her home with a simple white walled interior. In this photo she is wearing 3RD ROCK clothing including some patterned leggings and a blue bra top.

Our friend Kyuri holding a stunning Scorpion pose

Let us just say now, we’re not saying avoid or sack off your local Yoga class to practise at home instead, we’re all about supporting your local Yoga community and would recommend doing so if you can.

This article is simply about if you can’t attend a class or if you’re wanting to start home Yoga alongside Yoga classes.

Some of the benefits of practising Yoga at home

Practising Yoga at home does offer several advantages:

Flexibility in Schedule and Routine: One of the biggest benefits of home Yoga is the flexibility it provides. You can practise whenever it fits into your schedule without worrying about class timings.

Less stress: Forget bad weather, busy traffic or deadlines. Yoga at home is when you want to do it, so no need to rush! Yoga at home can also help if you suffer with Social Anxiety.


Cost Savings: Attending multiple classes a week can stack up, so if you’re looking to boost your wellbeing without impacting your bank account, a little home-Yoga is a good way to go.

Time with yourself: Something not all of us get enough of; time on our own without the distraction of a phone or TV - just a little “me, myself, and I”.

Kyuri in a beautiful flow wearing our Bataboom trousers & Equinox bra

Is it just stretching in your bedroom or lounge?

This is a fair question, what’s the difference? Is it just stretching with whale sounds or music? We’d confidently say a big NO to that, Yoga is much more than just stretching or breathing exercises.


Yoga has many proven benefits, to both physical and mental health:

Physical Health 

Regular practice doesn’t just improve flexibility, but also strength and balance. It helps build your overall fitness level and can even help alleviate pains, strains and stiffness.

Mental Health

Yoga is renowned for its mental health benefits. It incorporates mindfulness and meditation, which can significantly reduce stress and anxiety.


Calming your mind improves concentration and brain function, and this is what Yoga provides… like that quiet calm moment on a walk where there’s no traffic or mayhem around… ah what bliss!


If you're wanting some guided meditation, check out our collab with Anzahata Yoga where we've created exactly that!

A photo take of Charlene holding a yoga pose where her leg is extended behind her & above her head. She is facing away from the camera towards a window.

Charlene during her morning Yoga session, in our Batabooms & Luna bra top.

How to Start Practising Yoga at Home

As you would expect, starting Yoga at home is simple, but there are some tips & tricks to help you keep at it:


Set yourself some easy goals: Why are you starting Yoga? Whether it's flexibility, stress relief, or overall fitness, having a simple goal will keep you motivated.

Essential Yoga Equipment for Beginners: You don’t need much to start Yoga at home. A good quality Yoga mat, comfortable clothing, and possibly some Yoga blocks and straps for support are all you need.

Create a little Yoga Space at Home: Find a quiet space in your home where you can practise without interruptions. This could be the garden, the lounge (when nobody else is around), even your bedroom!!

Upping Your Home Yoga Experience

So you’re now Yoga-ing and are digging these vibes… but there are things you can do to make your home Yoga even better:

Avoiding common mistakes: Home-Yogis often make mistakes such as pushing too hard or not paying attention to alignment. Focus on proper form and listen to your body to avoid injuries.

Wearing the right Yoga kit: Comfortable, breathable clothing is essential for a good Yoga practice. A lot of people start in their sweats/loungewear but this can quickly get in the way, especially when transitioning between poses and slightly more strenuous movements. You shouldn’t need to adjust your clothing… it should move with you..

Choosing sustainable and affordable Yoga kit: When selecting Yoga kit, opt for brands that prioritise sustainability and affordability. Using sustainable & natural Yoga blocks & Yoga clothing helps keep your Yoga journey from negatively impacting the planet… because why would anyone want to do that?

Utilizing Online Resources and Classes Effectively: Online Yoga classes are a great way to get started. They offer flexibility and a wide range of styles and levels. Platforms like YouTube, YogaGlo, and Gaia all have excellent beginner classes. It’s now just a case of finding the right one for you.

Join Emily with these simple & calming Yoga movements

Best Yoga Poses for Beginners

Here are some beginner-friendly poses to help you get started.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana): This foundational pose helps improve posture and balance. Stand tall with feet together, arms at your sides, and shoulders relaxed.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): A great stretch for the entire body. Start on all fours, lift your hips, and straighten your legs, forming an inverted V shape.

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): Strengthens legs and opens hips. Step one foot forward into a lunge, raise your arms overhead, and keep your back leg straight.

Child’s Pose (Balasana): A restful pose that stretches the back. Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward, lowering your forehead to the mat.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): A gentle flow that warms up the spine. Alternate between arching your back (Cow) and rounding it (Cat) while on all fours.

Now go and get stuck in to your home Yoga journey!

Practising Yoga at home offers numerous benefits, from flexibility in your schedule to cost savings and a personalised practice environment. Remember to start slow, focus on your goals, and enjoy the journey.


As you embark on your Yoga practice, consider investing in high-quality, sustainable Yoga clothing to enhance your experience. Check out our Yoga Collection and Leggings for some great options.

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