Besides doing the best we can to help the environment and protect human rights in our company, we also support those who are also working to save our planet by raising awareness for environmental and human rights issues and support those who help by donating €1 for every 'Earth Collection' item purchased.
We can't just palm off palm oil. We need sustainable palm oil and a sustainable world.
This season our Spring/Summer tees were designed to help spread the awareness about deforestation as a by-product of Palm Oil manufacturing. These prints capture our climbing cousins whose lives whose species are threatened by unsustainable palm oil production, like the orangutans.
Palm oil is an important and versatile vegetable oil which is used in approximately 50% of products on supermarket shelves.
Women's organic cotton ORANGI Vest.

Choose our #DontPalmMeOff items to donate and help raise awareness.
See all of the Orangutan inspired prints in our Earth Collection.
Other Ways You Can Help:
Reduce palm oil consumption and reduce demand. Palm Oil can be found in many popular products such as soap, cosmetics, sweets, breads, crisps, salad dressings, diary products and frozen meals. WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has an easy guide on Which Products Contain Palm Oil.
Donate to the Orangutan Foundation International
May 05, 2017